
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family & some wine

Earlier this year my Grandmother turned 80 we (the grandkidds) gave her "time".  We all go visit her one day a month.  It's fun and a great time to catch up by all.
Today my Grandmother had some wine - she must of heard about my blog, it was white wine at that.

I'm not a fan of any wine really and white wine is the most difficult for me.
My earliest memory of white wine, is going to a family friends party with my parents.  The people that owned the house had a pet Cockatoo.  As we walked out onto the back patio, to the left the Cockatoo was in a very large cage, and hanging near the Cockatoo from the roof of the patio was a bag of "goon" - white wine - with a sign that said "Cockatoo Piss".
Cockatoo Piss!!
Ah great Childhood memories.

Anyway, at  my grandmothers, there were two bottles of white wine, and I said of course I'll try some.  My younger sister the wine enthusiast, to my surprise, declined!   And so did my older sister, so it was just left to my Grandmother and myself - and we both know next to nothing about wine.  We chose to open the smaller bottle of wine - it was a Semillon by Clovely.  I didn't really enjoy it.

Miss Grimm - my younger sister tried a sip, and didn't really want to give a verdict.

So I've decided after this tasting I will not try a Semillon again!

So home we drove.  Once I got home it was almost time for dinner.  My partner and I decided to make a cream based pasta.  I drove to the grocery store, whilst there I thought that this was a good oportunity to try another wine. 
I chose this one because of the packaging.  It's such a cute label, there was also a story on the back, about the end of season and how everyone would share sandwichs at lunch after picking the grapes.
Brand - Makers table.  Sauvignon Blanc.
We put it in the sauce of the pasta and drank it whilst eating - though between the two of us - we didn't finish the bottle, and decided that we can finish it off when we make our next white sauce meal.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Next day....

So after a crazy day at work - which mind you will only get crazier due to xmas fast approaching.
I went to the supermarket to shop for my dinner. There were people everywhere, I had chosen the busiest time! I wondered around, I ordered 300 gms of ham from the deli girl.  She grabbed a huge handful of ham put it on the scales, and went back for more, I said to her as she went for a second helping that if it's under 300 gms it'll be ok.
She ignores me, weighs it and passes me the package - it weighed 340gms.  That's almost half a kilo too much.  I looked at it, then at her.  And walked away - screaming in my head - how hard is it! Then thought - she's probably having just as bad day as I've had and will be having in the coming weeks.

And with that I decided to get a bottle of whine - so I can whine into my wine!

After paying for my goods i walked over to the bottle section. I am eating salad with ham for dinner, so i wanted something fresh and maybe fruity.  I've heard people say that some wines have a fruity flavour, so i thought i'd look at the white wine.

As i squinted at the bottles - i left my glasses at home as I decided it would be great to walk to the supermarket with my sunnies on as it was a glorious afternoon - I found a bottle of brown brothers that had orange and something in it, another bottle of wine called "sticky" and a third one with Blood orange and some other thing in it.  I read the backs of them thinking "oh these will be delightful".  Dessert wines. I picked all three up and put them down trying to decide. 
Turned around and saw on the counter some limes for only $1.20. and at that moment I knew what i was craving and no wine with blood orange infused would do.
So I bought the lime and have come home to a lovely dinner coupled with a shot of cointreau on ice with real lime.  Beautiful to sip on a night like this.

Actually before I forget - I woke this morning with no sign of a hang over - one point to Yalumba Y Series!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I generally don't like wine.
I usually drink cointreau, on ice with real lime.

As you can imagine I know next to nothing about wine.
So I've decided it's about time I find a wine that I like.
That is one that doesn't give me a head ache, doesn't make me want to vomit and one that doesn't make me want to curl up and die the day after drinking it. (Is it possible that there is a wine out there like this?)
And I've decided to also write a Blog about it.
Tonight I drank Yalumba Shiraz 2009 (Y series). I choose it because the price was pretty good ($13) and the picture on the bottle was pretty cool!
I've always thought the name Shiraz sounded too much like Shazza making the wine taste like Parrot Wizz!

But this tasted quiet nice. I drank it with some friends then ate some Indian, over all it was quiet a good combination!